Alastair Galpin
took to world record-breaking in
2004 after being inspired by a record-setting rally
driver in Kenya. What began as a hobby soon escalated
into an active publicity pursuit. Today, he promotes the
work of social and environmental causes. For these
purposes, the most fitting game plans are chosen; then
world titles are attempted and frequently created.
Good cause of the month

Elephants For Africa, Botswana, is dedicated to elephant conservation through research and education.
Sustaining sponsor
If you would like regular exposure from Alastair's activities, become his Sustaining Sponsor:
- A range of attempts annually
- Your brand in multiple media
- Distribute your own media releases
- Receive product endorsements
More details about sponsorship opportunities
Pass on your air miles
Have you got unwanted air miles?
By donating them to Alastair, you'll enable him
to attempt records in new parts of the world!
Equipment for hire
Contact Alastair if you would like to hire equipment left after attempting world records.
Special thanks
Behind every world record attempt is the expertise of professionals in their field. Their success underpins Alastair's. |
They are listed here |
How To Be A Successful Record Breaker
Your Opinion?
There seem to be plenty of folk who really want to know this, because I keep getting asked. I could write a compact step-by-step booklet with plenty of visuals, that would include:
- Secrets which took me to #2 worldwide during the previous decade
- Brainstorming, finding the right team, and gathering media interest
- Tips to get active support from people who wouldn't otherwise get involved
- Fast clever ways to analyse the benefits associated with potential records
- Optimal balances between fun and commitment, useful milestone indicators and more...
The booklet would be download-able for a small payment.
Would you be a potential customer? Email me!
Filmmakers' saying
You can have it cheap, fast or good.
Pick two...
– It can be cheap and fast, but it won't be good.
– It can be cheap and good, but it won't be fast.
– It can be good and fast, but it won't be cheap.
What people say about Alastair...
Alastair Galpin is crazy about conservation, crazy about world records and crazy enough to do (almost) anything – this is a unique way to support your environmental cause.
Alastair cares about people, and the energy he puts into raising awareness of deprivation and injustice is admired. The Great Global Pokie Drop record-breaking stunt (four pokies/slots dropped from over 1000 ft from a helicopter into a rubbish tip), was a great global success.
As an independent world record breaker, my objectives are to assist environmental and community organisations primarily in developing countries communicate their messages.
Attempting world records is not only rewarding, it's an excellent way to draw attention. History has proven that those who dare to differ, frequently command interest. When applied to my world record-breaking, this view largely explains generally high levels of media response particularly in north America, western Europe and parts of Australasia.
This has been reflected by the recent media attention surrounding two of my world record attempts - that of the world's biggest bottle cap sculpture in the shape of a rugby ball, and my attempt held in Times Square, New York, to break the world record for the longest continuous handshake.
I am able to guide clients in choosing a world record attempt of relevance to their cause, by drawing on several world record systems. Whether you are engaged at the front line of environmental protection or in community improvement, attempting a world record can bring widespread exposure to what you do.
Sponsorsing major events is
recognised as a succesful means of gaining attention - world record attempts
can provide a cost effective means for companies to not only gain worldwide media attention, but
also to be
seen to support the various causes which I seek to
promote and raise awareness of. This can provide ideal
low-cost advertising opportunities for companies which
care about environmental and charitable causes. It also
builds a long-lasting relationship.
How it all began | On my mind | Amazing things in this world | |||
Records achieved | Upcoming attempts | Record-breaking friends |
For children, created in Indonesia.
Where am I now? Since 2015, I've been in
southeast Asia working on a new education record attempt.
undertaking is so big, we needed a crowdfunding campaign to
support it. It's the most valuable set of school lessons some
children will ever receive.
Youngsters – especially children aged 11 to 12 – love learning about world record breakers.
My years of world record
adventures have included the exhilarating, the
crestfallen, and everything in between. My appearances
encourage children to be their best, and stimulate their
imaginations positively. Let me entertain you. And if
you think you've got what it takes to break specific
mock world records, you'll have a chance to show your
skills in front of everyone.
I have written various stories on
this website about the world records which I've
achieved. These provide a fascinating insight into the
reality behind many of the high-profile stunts which
gain considerable worldwide media attention. They also
provide real inspiration to those looking to achieve
their best.
Read more
If you are creating a school
project, why not look to make it more exciting and
something different, by turning it into a world record
Whether you’re a team, by yourself
or working together as a class, world
record inspiration can help turn what might seem a
dull topic into something exceptional. Who cares what
your topic is. Chances are that someone, somewhere, will
have got a world record for it. Okay… maybe for
something similar.
Read more
No journalist's article would be complete without at least one great photo.
To capture readers' imaginations,
license your high resolution professionally taken shots
here. There's everything from self-explanatory to
blatantly ridiculous. The memories are lasting, and you
can share these bygone days with your audiences.
My world records gain wide media
exposure, and are frequently covered by journalists.
Photos can be licensed for a single article or for a
series, linked to either the world records themselves or
for a wide variety of other applications.
Read more
Some world record attempts demand tenacity!
World record breakers can get stressed. I do. That's not because I can't control my
emotions - but because some projects really demand that I exercise extreme tenacity.
Making this giant rugby ball was a prime example.
There were many times I could have given up, but I never did. I know that half-jobs don't
count, so I had to drive this project all the way to completion. And after much ado, it
ended up as a museum display. I felt great. That leaves me with one message for you. Do
what I enjoy doing: find what you love – whatever that may be - and chase it with
Read more
Tenacity and perseverance is one thing, but this attempt will take all my self control.
It can be arduous being a world record breaker. But for my 100th
attempt, I thought I'd ensure it was a truly memorable record, and one
where I'd be guaranteed to get hot and steamy.
The setting is Borneo - the record attempt something truly unusual. Will my passion hold the course of the record attempt?
** Warning** this may not be suitable for younger readers
Read more
There are various ways of following my latest exploits, depending on your preference.
- The latest news on
my website
I always update my website with news of my latest achievements, with the full story behind my successes and a more light-hearted look at where things have not gone quite to plan. I also provide news on this site of forthcoming world record attempts and publicity events.
- Follow my Facebook
My Facebook page enables you toshare your thoughts on world record breaking and donate to help sponsor further world record attempts which are in the pipeline. This will allow you to contribute to a tremendously high-impact means of promoting good causes that simply don't have the resources themselves, helping to raise effective public awareness for issues like urban poverty in developed nations, the slaughter of tropical mammals for trade, for children with Down Syndrome, and lawless destruction in national parks.
Follow me on Twitter
You can also follow my exploits on Twitter - originally set up to follow my progress during the world record for most radio interviews in a suspended cage. Now I've decided to provide the latest news of my exploits and world record achievements here. This provides a valuable means of following my progress as I strive to retain my position as New Zealand's most prolific world record breaker.
- Read my blog
Finally, you can read more sound bites about my world records and forthcoming attempts on my This is designed to provide a more general view of world records, attempts and my experiences as I travel across the globe in search of new challenges.
I rely on a great deal of support to maintain my record breaking attempts.
My record breaking attempts continue to
attract widespread media coverage of many of my records, including
radio, magazine and newspapers, as well as television and youtube
appearances. I am regularly invited to appear on different
world record television shows around the world and even travel to
far flung places in order to attempt records both for the love of
world records and to use world
records to improve myself, and raise
awareness of issues, through record breaking stunts.
Some of my most successful campaigns have been work to
raise awareness of problem gambling, such as my records
for the Most
interviews in suspended cage and Greatest
to drop gambling machines, and also attempts which look to
bring together nations, such as the
longest handshake, which took place in New York, and involved
Americans, myself, and a team from Nepal who returned home as
something of national heroes!
To find out about some of the ways in which
we can use record breaking activities to complement advertising
and media campaigns, have a look at our
sponsorship page.
I also rely on the expertise of a
great number of professionals. Their success underpins
mine, and they are listed here.